Cleanup Resources

We have steps to delete resources.

Delete CloudFront

  1. Go to CloudFront -> Select Distribution -> Disable 03-clean

  2. Wait for 7-10 minutes for CloudFront to disable before you can delete it. 03-clean

  3. Delete CloudFront 03-clean

Delete Origin Access

  1. Go to Origin Access -> Select the OAI you want to delete -> Delete 03-clean

  2. Select Delete 03-clean

Delete Certificates

  1. Go to ACM -> Select the certificate you want to delete -> Delete 03-clean

  2. Select Delete 03-clean

Delete S3

  1. You need to delete all objects inside by selecting all and then clicking “Delete”. 03-clean

  2. Type permanently delete and click “Delete objects”. 03-clean

  3. After the bucket is empty, go back and select the bucket to delete. 03-clean

  4. Confirm deletion. 03-clean

Thus, we have completed workshop 1. Have a nice day!